Here is what happened in the Las Vegas Real Estate Market for the week of Dec. 23rd to Dec. 29th from The Brendan King Group @ REAL.
New Year, same market | 7-days at a glance, 21 days on market, 4.1 weeks supply, 253 new inventory, 2,259 active listings, 553 weekly sales, 539 under contract, $477,306 average weekly sales, and the most expensive home sold this week was $4,250,000.
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Brendan King
The Brendan King Group
Office: 702-625-3457
Real Broker, LLC
7997 W. Sahara Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89117
Instagram: @kingvegashomes
Twitter: @kingvegashomes
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This is transcribed (accuracy not guaranteed)
Brendan King (00:06): Hey, what's going on? It'sBrendan King from the Brendan King Group @ REAL. Happy New Year, everyone. Andit is our first Monday market update of 2022 for December 23rd through December29th, which is the last week officially of last year with all the marketupdate. So a little more of the same, a hundred percent of list price wasreceived. On average, the average days on market was 21 days on average. Weeksof supply was 4.1 weeks of supply. That's a little up from last week of threeweeks. However, believe it or not, active listings went down. That's a normal occurrencefor this time of year. A lot of people are not trying to sell and move duringChristmas or doing New Year's. So supply went up. However, the number of homeswent down, which like I said, it's just a normal occurrence for the year.
Brendan King (01:00): Let's check out the data. So newinventory, 253 homes came on the market, which is super low and normal for thistime of year. However, last year, it was 459 homes. Active listings, 2,259homes. Weekly sales, 553. And under contract, 539 homes. The average weeklysales price was $477,306. And the most expensive home sold was $4.25 million.So like I said, it's definitely a low inventory scenario. We're at 2,259 homeson the market. Last year, this time we were at 3,629. So just for a little bitof relevancy to last year. If in general, you want this every single Monday,text Market to 702-553-1955, and we'll text you the report every single Monday.Text Market, 702-553-1955, and we will send this every single Monday to you.Again, Happy New Year. And it's more the same. It's a seller's market outthere. We'll see you next week. Have a good one.